Interface ThirdwebProviderCoreProps<TChains>

The possible props for the ThirdwebProvider.

Type Parameters

  • TChains extends Chain[]



activeChain?: string & {} | number & {} | Chain | TChains[number]["chainId"] | TChains[number]["slug"]

The network to use for the SDK.

authConfig?: ThirdwebAuthConfig

The configuration used for thirdweb auth usage. Enables users to login to backends with their wallet.

autoConnect?: boolean

Whether or not to attempt auto-connect to a wallet.

autoConnectTimeout?: number

Timeout for auto-connecting wallet in milliseconds

If wallet fails to connect in this time, it will stop trying to connect and user will have to manually connect

Default Value

autoSwitch?: boolean

Whether or not to automatically switch to wallet's network to active chain

clientId?: string
createWalletStorage?: CreateAsyncStorage
dAppMeta?: DAppMetaData

Metadata to pass to wallet connect and walletlink wallet connect. (Used to show which dApp is being connected to in mobile wallets that support it) Defaults to just the name being passed as thirdweb powered dApp.

queryClient?: QueryClient
sdkOptions?: Omit<undefined | {}, "chains">

The SDKOptions | Thirdweb SDK Options to pass to the thirdweb SDK comes with sensible defaults

secretKey?: string
signerWallet?: WalletConfig<SignerWallet>
storageInterface?: IThirdwebStorage

The storage interface to use with the sdk.

supportedChains?: TChains

Chains to support. If not provided, will default to the chains supported by the SDK.

supportedWallets: WalletConfig[]

An array of wallets that the dApp supports If not provided, will default to Metamask (injected), Coinbase wallet and Device wallet


You can Import the wallets you want to support from @thirdweb-dev/wallets and pass them to supportedWallets

import { ThirdwebProvider } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

const App = () => {
return (
<YourApp />
theme?: "dark" | "light"

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