Function useClaimerProofs

  • Beta

    Get claimer proofs


    • contract: RequiredParam<DropContract>

      an instance of a contract that extends the ERC721, ERC1155 or ERC20 spec and implements the claimConditions extension.

    • claimerAddress: string

      the address of the claimer to fetch the claimer proofs for

    • Optional tokenId: BigNumberish

      the id of the token to fetch the claimer proofs for (if the contract is an ERC1155 contract)

    • Optional claimConditionId: BigNumberish

      optional the claim condition id to get the proofs for

    Returns UseQueryResult<{
        address: string;
        currencyAddress?: string;
        maxClaimable: string;
        price?: string;
        proof: string[];
    } | null, unknown>

    a response object with the snapshot for the provided address


    const { data: claimerProofs, isLoading, error } = useClaimerProofs(contract);


    ERC20ClaimPhasesV2 | ERC20ClaimPhasesV1 | ERC20ClaimConditionsV2 | ERC20ClaimConditionsV1 | ERC721ClaimPhasesV2 | ERC721ClaimPhasesV1 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV2 | ERC721ClaimConditionsV1 | ERC1155ClaimPhasesV2 | ERC1155ClaimPhasesV1 | ERC1155ClaimConditionsV2 | ERC1155ClaimConditionsV1



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